At Hudson Industries Limited, we understand that the decisions we take today have a huge impact on the global environment. Clean water is a vital resource. This is why we have focused on industrial and environmental oil water separation. Our company has been open for business since 1982.
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Offering Solutions That Make A Difference
Oil Water Separators

Slotted Pipe Skimmer
The Rotatable Slotted Pipe Skimmer (RSPS) is the simplest and most economical method available and is used extensively in municipal and industrial wastewater installations.
The RSPS is located at the end of a separation bay. The RSPS is rotated and then collects
the oil under weir flow conditions.

About Hudson Ind.
Oil Water Separation Equipment
Founded in Hudson Ohio over 35 years ago, Hudson has designed and manufactured industrial and environmental oil water separation equipment for EPC firms, petro-chemical facilities, refineries, power plants, steel mills, mines, off-shore drill platforms, well pads, all applications where oily water process fluids must be separated. Hudson has a standard line up of separation equipment that is adapted and engineered to order for the specific application. Key equipment includes: Coalescing Oil Water Separators, Slotted Pipe Skimmers and Floating Intake Skimmers.

Starr Manufacturing Inc.
Starr MFG is our sister company and our equipment manufacturer. Starr MFG was founded in 1965 and holds the ISO 9000 and ASME U+R stamp certifications. A primary focus is oil and gas production equipment along with general manufacturing of industrial equipment.
Industries Served
• Treatment of industrial process wastewater
• Electric utilities and power plants
• Steel Mills
• Mining
• Oil and Gas Produced Fluids
• Food and Beverage
• Airports and aircraft services
• Transportation and equipment wash pads
• Environmental remediation
• Metalworking and finishing
• Military and government facilities
• Petroleum marketing facilities
• Railroad yards
• Petroleum and other fueling facilities
• Oil storage areas
• Bilge water accumulated in ships